Missing: Heather Zimmerman
Missing from: Gifford
General Information
Missing Since May 26, 1997Age Then: 19
Age Now: 46
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5'5-5'7"
Weight: 115-120lbs
Hair Color(s):Blonde
Eye Color(s):Green
Tattoos: Tattoo of a rose on left ankle
Scars: Left ring finger doesn't function properly;Scar: Left Arm Scar: Left Wrist Scar: Left index finger Mole on left neck
Scars: Left ring finger doesn't function properly;Scar: Left Arm Scar: Left Wrist Scar: Left index finger Mole on left neck
If you have any information, please call:
Champaign County Sheriff
Case #: S97-2533