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General Information

Missing Since February 20, 1976
Age Then: 65
Age Now: 113
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 5'4-5'7"
Weight: 185-190lbs
Hair Color(s):Grey
Eye Color(s):Blue

If you have any information, please call:

Stephenson County Sheriff

Case #: M8643123


Everett Hawley, 75, and 65-year-old Clarence Owens were last seen at a farm auction near the Winnebago-Ogle county line Feb. 19, 1976. They have never been found.

Update: As of March 13, 2024, the car Everett and Clarence were in has been pulled from the Pecatonica River. Human remains were also found that they are now testing. https://www.wifr.com/2024/03/13/coroner-human-remains-recovered-vehicle-pulled-pecatonica-river/

Update: On July 11th, the Coroner released new information that revealed the remains found in the car were that of 2 human males and no evidence of trauma was found. DNA testing is still ongoing/pending.

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